Does organizational culture influence organizational values more than organizational values influence organizational culture?

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Does organizational culture influence organizational values more than organizational values influence organizational culture? Explain your answer.

I'm having a hard time answering this question please help.

To answer whether organizational culture influences organizational values more than organizational values influence organizational culture, we need to understand the relationship between these two concepts.

Organizational culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and attitudes that exist within an organization. It is the "way things are done" and the foundation upon which the organization operates. On the other hand, organizational values are the principles and beliefs that guide the actions and decisions of individuals within the organization.

Now, let's explore the influence of organizational culture on organizational values:

1. The Formation of Organizational Values: Organizational culture plays a significant role in shaping and influencing organizational values. The shared norms, beliefs, and behaviors within a culture create a framework within which values are developed. For example, if an organization promotes collaboration, openness, and transparency, it is likely that the employees will adopt these values in their work.

2. Reinforcement of Organizational Values: Organizational culture reinforces and upholds organizational values. When employees observe their leaders and colleagues consistently adhering to certain values, it strengthens their belief and commitment to those values. This reinforcement from the culture encourages employees to align their behavior and actions with the identified values.

3. Sense of Belonging and Identity: Organizational culture establishes a sense of belonging and identity among employees. When employees feel a strong connection to the culture, they are more likely to adopt and embrace the values upheld by the organization. This sense of belonging can further reinforce commitment to the shared values.

Now, let's consider the influence of organizational values on organizational culture:

1. Guiding Behaviors and Decision-Making: Organizational values serve as guiding principles for employees' behaviors and decision-making. When employees understand and internalize the values, it influences their actions and choices, ultimately shaping the overall culture. For example, if an organization values integrity and ethics, it will influence how employees engage with clients, handle conflicts, and make decisions.

2. Hiring and Selection: Organizational values often inform the hiring and selection processes. Organizations seek individuals who align with their core values to ensure a cultural fit. This deliberate selection based on shared values can shape and strengthen the overall organizational culture.

Based on the above analysis, it can be argued that organizational culture has a stronger influence on organizational values than the reverse. Culture provides the basis for the development and reinforcement of values, while values guide behaviors and decision-making within the culture. However, it's important to note that both organizational culture and organizational values are interdependent and influence each other in a continuous cycle.