Hi This is my essay question and I don't know how to start this essay I am not sure what is required of me, Please help. "Durkheim argues that society is held together by sets of norms which are transmitted to us by social institutions like the family and schools, and that this process fundamentally shapes our social biographies. Discuss these ideas of Durkheim and then use these ideas to construct an analysis of your own social biography, based on at least one interview with someone who played an important role (e.g family member, teacher, church elder, community leader, etc.)"

To begin your essay, let's first understand the main ideas of Durkheim and how they relate to the concept of social biographies. This will help you construct an analysis of your own social biography later on.

Firstly, Durkheim argues that society is held together by sets of norms. Norms are shared expectations, beliefs, and behaviors that guide individuals' actions within a society. These norms create a sense of order and solidarity within a community.

Secondly, Durkheim asserts that social institutions, such as the family and schools, play a crucial role in transmitting these norms to individuals. Social institutions are structured patterns of beliefs and behaviors that persist over time and shape human interactions. They provide the framework through which individuals learn and internalize societal norms.

Now that we understand Durkheim's ideas, let's move on to analyzing your own social biography based on at least one interview with someone who played an important role in your life. Here is a step-by-step approach to construct your analysis:

1. Choose an individual to interview: Identify someone who has had a significant influence on your social development. This could be a family member, teacher, church elder, community leader, or anyone who has shaped your values, beliefs, or behaviors.

2. Prepare for the interview: Make a list of specific questions that will help you understand how this person has contributed to your social biography. For example, you could ask about their values, experiences, and the impact they had on your socialization.

3. Conduct the interview: Schedule a time to interview the chosen person. During the interview, ask the prepared questions and actively listen to their responses. Take notes or record the interview to ensure accuracy in your analysis.

4. Analyze the interview: Reflect on the information obtained from the interview. Consider how this person has influenced your socialization, the values they have transmitted, and the norms they have instilled in you. Pay attention to any significant anecdotes, teachings, or experiences that have influenced your understanding of the world.

5. Relate the analysis to Durkheim's ideas: Now that you have analyzed your own social biography, relate your findings back to Durkheim's ideas. Discuss how the norms and values transmitted by the person you interviewed align with Durkheim's view of social institutions and their role in shaping society.

6. Provide examples and evidence: To strengthen your analysis, use specific examples and evidence from your interview to illustrate how your social biography has been shaped by the norms transmitted through social institutions. This will make your argument more persuasive and grounded in real-life experiences.

With these steps, you should be able to construct a strong analysis of your own social biography based on Durkheim's ideas. Remember to organize your essay effectively, introduce the topic, present your analysis, provide supporting evidence, and conclude your thoughts. Good luck!