Owners of a recreation area are filling a small pond with water. They are adding water at a rate of 25 liters per minute. There are 700 liters in the pond to start.

Let W represent the amount of water in the pond (in liters), and let T represent the number of minutes that water has been added. Write an equation relating W to T, and then graph your equation.

I get W=25T+700

How do I graph this? Thanks

Make your horizontal axis represent T

and your vertical axis W
You might want to scale your graph,
e.g. The T axis in units of 5, and the W axis in units of 100

Owners of a recreation area are filling a small pond with water. They are adding water at a rate of 30 liters per minute. There are 700 liters in the pond to start.

Let W represent the amount of water in the pond (in liters), and let T represent the number of minutes that water has been added. Write an equation relating W to T, and then graph your equation.

To graph the equation W = 25T + 700, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up the coordinate axes on a graph paper. Label the horizontal axis as T for the number of minutes and the vertical axis as W for the amount of water in liters.

Step 2: Choose a suitable scale for both axes. Since the rate of water being added is 25 liters per minute, you can mark the horizontal axis in increments of 1 or 5 minutes, depending on the size of your graph paper. For the vertical axis, you can mark in increments of 100 or 200 liters, again based on the size of the graph paper.

Step 3: Plot the initial point, which is the starting amount of water in the pond, at (0, 700).

Step 4: Use the equation W = 25T + 700 to find additional points to plot on the graph. Choose different values of T and calculate the corresponding value of W using the equation. For example, if T = 1, then W = 25(1) + 700 = 725. Plot the point (1, 725). Repeat this process for a few more values of T to get more points.

Step 5: Connect the points on the graph with a straight line to represent the relationship between T and W.

Step 6: Label the axes and add a title to the graph, if desired.

Your resulting graph should show a straight line that starts at (0, 700) and increases at a constant rate of 25 liters per minute.

To graph the equation W = 25T + 700, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose a range for the values of T to use for the x-axis. Since the problem states that they are adding water at a rate of 25 liters per minute, it's reasonable to assume that T represents the number of minutes. Choose a range that makes sense for the situation, such as T values from 0 to 30.

Step 2: Substitute different values of T into the equation and solve for W. This will give you points that you can plot on the graph.

For example:
When T = 0, W = 25(0) + 700 = 700
When T = 5, W = 25(5) + 700 = 825
When T = 10, W = 25(10) + 700 = 950

Step 3: Plot the points on a coordinate plane. For each point, locate the corresponding value on the x-axis (representing T) and the y-axis (representing W).

Step 4: Connect the points with a straight line. Since the equation W = 25T + 700 represents a linear relationship, the graph will be a straight line.

Step 5: Label the axes and provide a title for the graph. Label the x-axis as "T" (representing time in minutes) and the y-axis as "W" (representing the amount of water in liters). Give the graph a title, such as "Water Added to Pond Over Time."

Remember to choose a scale for the axes that allows you to clearly see the plotted points and the line connecting them.