What do they mean when they ask you to find the function form?

When someone asks you to find the function form, they are asking you to express a relationship or equation in the form of a function. A function is a mathematical relationship that assigns a unique output value to each input value. It is typically represented in the form of "f(x) = ..." or "y = ..." where "x" is the input variable and "f(x)" or "y" is the output variable.

To find the function form, you need to analyze the given relationship or equation and express it using the appropriate notation. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Identify the variables: Determine the independent variable (usually denoted as "x" or "t") and the dependent variable (usually denoted as "f(x)" or "y"). The independent variable is usually the input, while the dependent variable is the output value.

2. Determine the mathematical operations: Look for any mathematical operations or rules that relate the independent and dependent variables. This could involve addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, or other operations.

3. Express the relationship as an equation or function: Once you have identified the variables and operations, write an equation or function that represents the relationship. For example, if you have determined that the dependent variable is the square of the independent variable, you can express it as "f(x) = x^2" or "y = x^2".

4. Simplify if necessary: Depending on the complexity of the relationship, you may need to simplify the equation or function further by applying algebraic techniques or mathematical properties.

By following these steps, you can find the function form of a given relationship or equation.