I am confused about this problem, and don't know how to simplify it.


To simplify the given problem, you can use the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS) to simplify it step by step. Here's how you can solve it:

1. Start by simplifying any expressions within parentheses. In this case, the expression inside the parentheses is "-8(-3)*(-5)".
- When you multiply two negative numbers together, the result is positive.
- So, "-8(-3)*(-5)" becomes "24*(-5)".

2. Next, simplify the expression within the parentheses further.
- Multiply 24 by -5 to get -120.
- So, the expression inside the parentheses can be simplified to -120.

3. Replace the simplified expression inside the parentheses with its value (-120).
- Now, the original expression becomes: -9[12 + (-120) + 1].

4. Simplify any addition or subtraction operations within the brackets.
- Add 12 and -120 to get -108.
- So, the expression within the brackets becomes: -9[-108 + 1].

5. Continue simplifying within the brackets.
- Add -108 and 1 to get -107.
- So, the expression within the brackets simplifies to: -9(-107).

6. Finally, simplify the multiplication operation.
- Multiply -9 by -107 to get 963.
- So, the final answer is 963.