Determine if the following sentence employ the correct use of commas and apostrophes.TRUE=correct FALSE=wrong

1. The infant's first dextrose stick after delivery was 23; howeveer, the child drank 1 oz of formula, and the repeat dextrose stick 1/2 hour later was 63.
TRUE - Looks good

Commas and apostrophes are fine here, yes.

Check the spelling of "however."

To determine if the sentence employs the correct use of commas and apostrophes, we need to examine the sentence and identify any potential errors. Let's analyze the given sentence:

"The infant's first dextrose stick after delivery was 23; howeveer, the child drank 1 oz of formula, and the repeat dextrose stick 1/2 hour later was 63."

1. "The infant's first dextrose stick after delivery was 23" - This part of the sentence uses the apostrophe correctly to indicate possession.

2. "howeveer" - There is an extra 'e' in the word "however." It should be corrected to "however."

3. "the child drank 1 oz of formula" - This part of the sentence is correctly punctuated.

4. "and the repeat dextrose stick 1/2 hour later was 63" - This part of the sentence is correctly punctuated.

Therefore, the sentence contains only one error, which is the misspelling of "however." The correct sentence should be:

"The infant's first dextrose stick after delivery was 23; however, the child drank 1 oz of formula, and the repeat dextrose stick 1/2 hour later was 63."

So the answer is TRUE, the sentence employs the correct use of commas and apostrophes after correcting the misspelling.