Determine if the following sentences employ the correct use of commas and apostrophes.TRUE=correct FALSE=incorrect

1. After discussing the woman's current diagnosis with the other doctors', it was recommended that the patient undergo a cholecystectomy.

because I feel there doesn't need to be an apostrophe on doctors and maybe not on woman either.

The apostrophe needs to be there on "woman's" but not on "doctors"

In this sentence, "woman" is in the possessive form because it's HER diagnosis. There is nothing for the doctors to own, though, so it's not a possessive word here.

If you are confused about when to use possessive forms and when to use plain plurals, check here:

To determine the correct use of commas and apostrophes in the given sentence, we should analyze it.

The sentence, "After discussing the woman's current diagnosis with the other doctors', it was recommended that the patient undergo a cholecystectomy," contains a couple of punctuation errors.

First, the apostrophe in "doctors'" is not necessary. The word "doctors" is used in a plural sense, so it should not have an apostrophe indicating possession.

Second, the correct placement of commas in this sentence could be debatable depending on the intended meaning. However, in this case, it seems like a misplaced comma after "doctors'" is present. The phrase "After discussing the woman's current diagnosis with the other doctors" doesn't require a comma before "it."

Based on these observations, we can conclude that the correct sentence would be:

"After discussing the woman's current diagnosis with the other doctors, it was recommended that the patient undergo a cholecystectomy."

Therefore, the statement is FALSE; the original sentence employs incorrect use of commas and apostrophes.