Is conformity as much a problem in the twenty first century as it was in the nineteenth century....

Determining whether conformity is as much of a problem in the twenty-first century as it was in the nineteenth century requires a comparison of the two periods. While I can provide some insights based on historical and cultural trends, keep in mind that this kind of assessment involves a degree of subjectivity.

To gauge the extent of conformity, you can consider the following steps:

1. Research the concept of conformity: Begin by understanding what conformity means, its different forms, and how it can manifest in society. Review scholarly articles, books, and other reputable sources to develop a comprehensive understanding.

2. Study the nineteenth century: Explore the socio-cultural landscape of the nineteenth century and examine the prevalent norms and values of that time. Assess the attitudes and behaviors that were expected and encouraged, as well as any pressures to conform.

3. Analyze the twenty-first century: Delve into the present-day social context, considering factors such as globalization, technological advancements, and cultural shifts. Investigate how societal expectations, media influence, and various social platforms impact conformity.

4. Compare the two periods: After researching both the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries, identify similarities and differences regarding conformity. Examine factors like the role of institutions, the influence of media, social pressures, and the potential consequences of nonconformity in each era.

5. Consider different perspectives: Remember that analyzing conformity is subjective, and opinions may vary based on personal beliefs and values. Consider different viewpoints, such as those of sociologists, psychologists, historians, and scholars from various disciplines, to gain a broader understanding.

Ultimately, public opinion and scholarly consensus can help shape your understanding of whether conformity is as problematic in the twenty-first century as it was in the nineteenth century. However, keep in mind that societal dynamics evolve over time, and new forms of conformity might arise that differ from historical patterns.