Choose the sentence that is written and punctuated correctly.

1. She reported she was in the women's dressing room when she suffered what felt like a terrible chest cramp.
2. While she was in the womens' dressing room, she suffered what felt like a terrible chest cramp.

#2. It just sounds better - not sure of the 'English Rules' why.

Both are correct, but the first is more wordy.

Which sentence is better depends upon the context.

Without more information, # 2 is better.

Please check the word womens' in #2. That is incorrect.

Both sentences have correct punctuation, but there is a slight difference in wording and punctuation choice.

Sentence 1: "She reported she was in the women's dressing room when she suffered what felt like a terrible chest cramp."

Sentence 2: "While she was in the women's dressing room, she suffered what felt like a terrible chest cramp."

Both sentences use correct punctuation with the use of apostrophes for possession ("women's") and commas to set off introductory phrases ("When she suffered" in sentence 1 and "While she was" in sentence 2).

In terms of style and wording, sentence 1 uses reported directly after the subject, while sentence 2 starts with the phrase "While she was." Both variations can be grammatically correct, so the choice between the two depends on the overall context and preference in sentence structure.

Both sentences contain errors in punctuation, but the correct sentence is number 1.

Here's an explanation of the errors and the corrections:

1. She reported she was in the women's dressing room when she suffered what felt like a terrible chest cramp.
- This sentence is punctuated correctly. The possessive form of "women" is used correctly with the apostrophe before the "s."

2. While she was in the womens' dressing room, she suffered what felt like a terrible chest cramp.
- In this sentence, there are two errors: "womens'" and the use of an apostrophe after the "s."
- The correct spelling is "women's" because it is referring to the dressing room belonging to the women.
- Additionally, since "women" is already plural, it doesn't require an apostrophe after the "s."

Therefore, the correct sentence is: "She reported she was in the women's dressing room when she suffered what felt like a terrible chest cramp."