I need a 12th grade level complex sentence using a metaphor

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Sure, here's an example of a complex sentence using a metaphor at a 12th grade level:

"The weight of her disappointment settled upon his shoulders like an iron chain, dragging him down into the depths of despair, as he realized that his dreams were crumbling like a delicate sandcastle in the face of reality."

To create a complex sentence with a metaphor, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the message or idea you want to convey using a metaphor. In this example, the metaphor is comparing the weight of disappointment to an iron chain and the crumbling dreams to a delicate sandcastle.
2. Begin by crafting a simple sentence that expresses the main idea. For instance, "Her disappointment weighed heavily on him."
3. Expand on the main idea by including additional details or clauses. For example, "The weight of her disappointment settled upon his shoulders" adds more description.
4. Introduce the metaphor by using "like" or "as" to make the comparison. In this instance, "like an iron chain" is employed to convey the heaviness and burden of the disappointment.
5. Extend the metaphor by including another clause that elaborates on the imagery. In this case, "dragging him down into the depths of despair" provides further insight into the emotional impact of the disappointment.
6. Conclude the sentence by incorporating another aspect of the metaphor. The phrase "as he realized that his dreams were crumbling like a delicate sandcastle in the face of reality" is used to evoke a sense of fragility and vulnerability.

Remember, practice and experimentation are key in mastering complex sentences with metaphors.