Choose sentence that is written correctly. - 50-50

1. She is uncertain whether or not she has had fevers: because she does not have an instrument for measuring body temperature.
2. Because she does not have an instrument for measuring body temperature, she is uncertain whether or not she has had fevers.
#2 (#1 could or should be 2 sentences.

Right again!

A colon is wrong in sentence 1.

The correct sentence is sentence #2: "Because she does not have an instrument for measuring body temperature, she is uncertain whether or not she has had fevers."

To determine which sentence is written correctly, we can look at the structural and grammatical elements of both sentences. Sentence #1 is a run-on sentence, as it connects two independent clauses without proper punctuation. The colon after "fevers" suggests that additional information will follow, but the sentence continues without any further punctuation.

Sentence #2, on the other hand, is a correctly written sentence. It begins with a subordinate clause "Because she does not have an instrument for measuring body temperature," which is properly separated from the main clause with a comma. This clause provides the reason or cause for the uncertainty mentioned in the main clause. The sentence is clear and effectively conveys the intended meaning.

Therefore, sentence #2 is the correct choice.