Hi, I have to write a 2 page paper on any subject in math that interests me. It can be about topics such as fibonacci numbers, rational or irrational numbers, golden ratio/rectangle, platonic solids, probability, etc. Can you help me get started. Thanks :)

We'd like to help you get started, but we don't know what interests YOU.

I choose Golden rectangles/ratio.

You'll find a lot of good information here.


Take notes. Then devise a thesis statement. Outline the main points you want to make to support that statement.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you get started on your paper. To begin, let's explore the topic suggestions you provided:

1. Fibonacci Numbers: This is a fascinating sequence of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (e.g., 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on). You could discuss the origins, properties, and applications of the Fibonacci sequence in various fields like mathematics, nature, art, and computer science.

2. Rational or Irrational Numbers: Rational numbers can be expressed as fractions, whereas irrational numbers cannot and have decimal expansions that go on infinitely without repeating (e.g., π and √2). You could discuss the differences between rational and irrational numbers, provide examples, and explore their significance in number theory and real-world applications.

3. Golden Ratio/Rectangle: The golden ratio is a mathematical constant denoted by the Greek letter φ (phi). It has unique geometric and aesthetic properties, often seen in art, architecture, design, and even nature. You could delve into its definition, mathematical properties, and explore its presence in various disciplines.

4. Platonic Solids: These are regular, convex polyhedra with identical faces, vertices, and edge lengths. There are five Platonic solids: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. You could discuss their properties, mathematical relationships, and applications (such as in crystallography and game design).

5. Probability: Probability is a branch of mathematics concerned with quantifying uncertainty. This subject is vast, encompassing concepts like probability theory, conditional probability, Bayes' theorem, expected value, and more. You could explore the foundational concepts, real-world applications, and perhaps discuss specific probability puzzles or paradoxes.

Once you have chosen a topic, you can start your paper with an introduction that explains why you chose the subject and its relevance. Then, delve into the specific aspects, history, properties, applications, and any interesting examples related to the topic. Finally, conclude by summarizing the main points and highlighting the significance of the chosen topic.

Remember to cite your sources and provide any necessary equations, diagrams, or illustrations to support your explanations and make your paper more engaging. Good luck with your paper, and feel free to ask if you have any further questions along the way!