Although her parents insisted that she could not go to the movie with her girlfriends on a school night, Barb continued to try to persuade them to change their minds. "What if I promise to do my homework when I get home? I could do my homework in study hall tomorrow. What if I did my homework at the movie?" Her ability to generate experimental attacks to a problem indicates that she is in Piaget's:

a. Preoperational stage of cognitive development
b. concrete operational stage of cognitive development
c. formal operational stage of cognitive development
d. the egocentric stage of cognitive development.

My guess is c.

Good guess!


Your guess is incorrect. The correct answer is b. concrete operational stage of cognitive development.

Piaget's theory of cognitive development states that children go through different stages of cognitive development. In the concrete operational stage, which typically occurs between the ages of 7 and 11, children are able to think logically about concrete objects and events. They can generate and consider alternative solutions to problems and understand the consequences of their actions. In this stage, they begin to develop more flexible thinking and can consider multiple viewpoints. In the given scenario, Barb's ability to generate experimental attacks to persuade her parents indicates her use of logical thinking and consideration of alternative solutions, which aligns with the characteristics of the concrete operational stage.

Your guess is incorrect. The correct answer would be option (c) formal operational stage of cognitive development.

Piaget's theory of cognitive development outlines four stages of cognitive development that individuals go through from infancy to adulthood. These stages are sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational.

In the given scenario, Barb is generating different possibilities and considering alternative solutions to her problem. This ability to think hypothetically, generate and test different ideas, and consider multiple perspectives is characteristic of the formal operational stage.

During the formal operational stage, which typically occurs in adolescence and continues into adulthood, individuals gain the ability to think abstractly, reason logically, and engage in hypothetical and deductive reasoning. They can plan for the future, think about different possibilities, and solve complex problems using systematic and logical approaches.

Barb's ability to generate different options and consider their potential consequences demonstrates her capacity for abstract and hypothetical thinking, which aligns with the formal operational stage.