Accumulate information for a survey from 15 people about their favorite operation of arithmetic.

To accumulate information for a survey about people's favorite operation of arithmetic from 15 individuals, you can follow these steps:

1. Survey Design: Define the purpose of your survey and the specific question you want to ask individuals. In this case, the question would be asking about their favorite operation of arithmetic. Keep the question clear and concise.

2. Sample Selection: Decide how you will select the 15 individuals for your survey. This could be friends, family, coworkers, or anyone you have access to. Be sure to have a diverse sample that represents different demographics if possible.

3. Distribution Method: Determine the best way to distribute your survey. You can use online survey platforms like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey, or if you prefer face-to-face interaction, you can print out physical copies of the survey and distribute them manually.

4. Survey Administration: Send out or distribute the survey to the selected individuals. Clearly explain the purpose of the survey and provide any necessary instructions. Ensure that participants understand how to answer the question about their favorite operation of arithmetic.

5. Data Collection: Collect the responses from the survey participants. If you are using an online survey platform, the responses will be automatically compiled for you. If using a physical survey, you will need to manually input the responses into a spreadsheet or other data collection tool.

6. Data Analysis: Once you have collected all the responses, you can analyze the data to determine the favorite operation of arithmetic among the participants. Identify the most commonly chosen operation or any patterns that emerge.

7. Presentation of Results: Present the results of your survey in a clear and concise manner. This could be through a written report, PowerPoint presentation, or visualizations such as charts or graphs.

Remember, getting 15 responses may not produce statistically significant results, but it can still provide insights and opinions from the individuals surveyed.