Facet sclerosis at L5-S1 posteriorly.

comma splice
complete sentence

Fragment - missing the who/what


It doesn't have a verb.

To determine whether the given statement is a fragment, run-on, comma splice, or complete sentence, let's break it down:

"Facet sclerosis at L5-S1 posteriorly."

This statement seems to be missing the subject or verb that tells us who or what is performing the action. As a result, it appears to be a fragment.

To identify fragments, it's important to check if there is a complete thought with a subject and a predicate. In this case, there is no subject or verb indicating who or what is associated with the facet sclerosis at L5-S1 posteriorly. Therefore, it is considered a fragment.

To fix this fragment and turn it into a complete sentence, we might need more context or additional information.