Thank you very much.

Is it wrong to say "go out of the school?"
I also wanted to know if the following list is correct.

Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness (abridged edition)
The historical context of the novel, the narrative technique, the themes of colonialism and symbolism

You can say that, but it's not smooth. To leave the school or to exit the school -- both are smoother (and take fewer words!).

The list is fine if you add a comma after "colonialism."

You're welcome! Regarding your first question, it is not incorrect to say "go out of the school," but there is a more idiomatic way to express the same idea, which is "leave the school." Both phrases convey the same meaning, with the latter being more commonly used.

Now, moving on to your second question, the list you provided seems fine. It appears to be a list of components related to Joseph Conrad's novel, "Heart of Darkness." Here's a breakdown:

1. Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness (abridged edition): This item refers to the actual novel being discussed. It specifies that it is an abridged edition, meaning a shortened version of the original work.

2. The historical context of the novel: This refers to the historical circumstances and events surrounding the time period in which the novel is set. It includes factors such as colonization and imperialism, which often play a significant role in interpreting the text.

3. The narrative technique: This item pertains to the specific writing style or technique used by the author to tell the story. In the case of "Heart of Darkness," Conrad employs a complex and ambiguous narrative structure that often blurs the lines between reality and the subjective experiences of the characters.

4. The themes of colonialism and symbolism: These are two key themes explored in the novel. "Colonialism" refers to the dominance and exploitation of one culture or nation by another, while "symbolism" refers to the use of symbols or metaphors to represent abstract ideas or concepts. Both themes are prominent in "Heart of Darkness" and lend themselves to deeper analysis and interpretation of the text.

Overall, the list you provided seems to cover various important aspects relevant to the study and analysis of Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness."