The patient is alert and oriented and has normal mental status exam.

Question: List verb/verbs

I know there are two -

Answer: is
Answer: mental

You're half right.

The first, "is," is correct.

The second is wrong. The word "mental" is an adjective, modifying exam.

"The patient IS alert and oriented and _____ "

the husband and wife open many gifts

The verb in the given sentence is "is." The word "mental" can also function as a verb, but in this sentence it is used as an adjective to describe the noun "status."

To identify the verb(s) in a sentence, it is important to understand that verbs are words that express actions, occurrences, or states of being. In the given sentence, the verb is the part of the sentence that describes an action or state of being. In this case, the verb(s) are:

1. is: This is a linking verb that connects the subject "patient" to the predicate "alert and oriented."

It is worth noting that "mental" is not a verb but an adjective that describes the noun "status." Therefore, it is not considered a verb in this context.