^ = to the power

1. 8^1/2*8^-5/2
2.3^5/3(divided by) 3^2/3

**please show work

to multiply add exponents if the base is the same

8^(1/2 -5/2)
= 8^(-2)
= 1/8^2
= 1/64

1/3^(2/3) = 3^(-2/3)
=3^(5/3) * 3^(-2/3)

i do not understand the second problem.

negative exponent definition:

a^-b = 1/(a^b)


when you multiply you add exponents
when you divide you subtract exponents (remember a^0 = 1)
1/a^b = a^0/a^b = a^(0-b) = a^-b

Certainly! I'll show you how to solve each problem step by step.

1. 8^(1/2) * 8^(-5/2)
To simplify this expression, you can use the rule of exponents that states a^m * a^n = a^(m+n). Applying this rule,

8^(1/2) * 8^(-5/2) = 8^[(1/2) + (-5/2)]

Next, you can combine the exponents:
[(1/2) + (-5/2)] = -4/2 = -2

Therefore, the expression simplifies to:

Now, using the rule that a^(-n) = 1 / (a^n), we can rewrite the expression as:
1 / 8^2

Simplifying further:
1 / 64

So, the answer is 1/64.

2. (3^(5/3)) / (3^(2/3))
To divide two exponential expressions with the same base, you can subtract the exponents. Using this rule:

(3^(5/3)) / (3^(2/3)) = 3^[(5/3) - (2/3)]

Next, subtracting the exponents:
[(5/3) - (2/3)] = 3/3 = 1

Therefore, the expression simplifies to:

Since any number raised to the power of 1 is itself, the answer is:

So, the answer is 3.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.