find the bound on the magnitude of the error if we approximate sqrt 2 using the taylor approximation of degree three for sqrt 1+x about x=0

To find the bound on the magnitude of the error when approximating √2 using the Taylor approximation of degree three for √(1+x) about x=0, we can use Taylor's theorem.

Taylor's theorem states that for a function f(x) that is k+1 times differentiable in an interval containing a, the Taylor polynomial of degree k for f(x) about x=a is given by:

P_k(x) = f(a) + f'(a)(x-a) + (f''(a)/2!)(x-a)^2 + ... + ((a)/k!)(x-a)^k

And the error term, E_k(x), is given by:

E_k(x) = (f^(k+1)(c))/(k+1)! * (x-a)^(k+1)

where c is some value between a and x.

In this case, let's consider f(x) = √(1+x) and a = 0.

The Taylor polynomial of degree three (k=3) for f(x) about x=0 is:

P_3(x) = √(1+0) + (1/2√1)(x-0) - (1/4√1)(x-0)^2/2 + (3/8√1)(x-0)^3/6

Simplifying, we have:

P_3(x) = 1 + (1/2)x - (1/8)x^2 + (1/16)x^3

To find the error bound, we need to find the maximum value of the absolute value of the error term, E_3(x), in the interval from 0 to 2 (since we want to approximate √2):

E_3(x) = (√(1+c))/(4 * 3!) * x^4

For the maximum value of E_3(x), we need to find the maximum value of (√(1+c))/24 in the interval from 0 to 2.

To find this maximum value, we can use optimization techniques. However, since this is a simple case, we can observe that (√(1+c)) is maximized when c=1. Therefore, we can substitute c=1 into E_3(x):

E_3(x) = (√2)/(24) * x^4

To find the bound on the magnitude of the error, we need to find the maximum value of |E_3(x)| in the interval from 0 to 2.

Substituting x=2 into |E_3(x)|, we have:

|E_3(2)| = (√2)/(24) * 2^4 = (√2)/3

Therefore, the bound on the magnitude of the error when approximating √2 using the Taylor approximation of degree three for √(1+x) about x=0 is (√2)/3.