The gravitational forces of the Earth and the Moon are attractive, so there must be a point on a line joining their centers where the gravitational forces on an object cancel. How far is this distance from the Earth's center?

3.42 *10**5 km

To find the distance from the Earth's center where the gravitational forces of the Earth and the Moon cancel out, we need to determine the point where the gravitational forces are equal and opposite.

First, let's understand the concept of gravitational forces. According to Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, the gravitational force between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

F = G * (m1 * m2 / r^2)

- F represents the gravitational force between the two objects,
- G is the gravitational constant,
- m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and
- r is the distance between their centers.

In this case, the two objects are the Earth and the Moon. The force due to the Earth's gravity is always directed towards the center of the Earth, while the force due to the Moon's gravity is always directed towards the center of the Moon. We are looking for a point where these forces cancel out each other.

For this cancellation to happen, the magnitudes of the gravitational forces must be equal. That is:

F_earth = F_moon

Based on Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, we can rewrite this equation as:

G * (m_earth * m_object / r_earth^2) = G * (m_moon * m_object / r_moon^2)

- m_object represents the mass of the object experiencing gravitational forces,
- m_earth and m_moon are the masses of the Earth and the Moon, respectively,
- r_earth is the distance between the Earth's center and the object, and
- r_moon is the distance between the Moon's center and the object.

Since the object being considered is closer to the Earth, we will use Earth as a reference point and set m_object = 1 (arbitrary mass).

Simplifying the equation, we get:

m_earth / r_earth^2 = m_moon / r_moon^2

To find the distance from the Earth's center where these forces cancel out, we can rearrange the equation:

r_moon^2 / r_earth^2 = m_moon / m_earth

Taking the square root of both sides, and since r_moon = r_earth + d (where d is the distance we seek), we have:

r_earth / r_earth + d = sqrt(m_moon / m_earth)

Cross-multiplying gives:

r_earth * sqrt(m_earth) = (r_earth + d) * sqrt(m_moon)

Expanding and simplifying the equation:

sqrt(m_earth) * r_earth = sqrt(m_moon) * (r_earth + d)

Squaring both sides:

m_earth * r_earth^2 = m_moon * (r_earth^2 + 2 * r_earth * d + d^2)

After rearranging the terms:

m_moon * r_earth^2 + 2 * m_moon * r_earth * d + m_moon * d^2 = m_earth * r_earth^2

Simplifying further:

2 * m_moon * r_earth * d + m_moon * d^2 = m_earth * r_earth^2 - m_moon * r_earth^2

Since r_earth = 6,371 km (approximate radius of the Earth) and m_earth = 5.972 × 10^24 kg (mass of the Earth), and m_moon = 7.348 × 10^22 kg (mass of the Moon), we can substitute these values into the equation.

Finally, solving for d, the distance from the Earth's center where the gravitational forces cancel out, we can find the answer.

Note: To keep the answer more manageable, I will round the values used in calculations.

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