Brit and Tara are standing 13.5 m apart on a dock when they observe a

sailboat moving parallel to the dock. When the boat is equidistant between
both girls, the angle of elevation to the top of its 8.0 m mast is for both
observers. Describe how you would calculate the angle, to the nearest degree,between Tara and the boat as viewed from Brit’s position. Justify your reasoning with calculations.

i meant i think we have to draw a 3D image of the triangle

the way you told me, i tried to do it and got a two congruent trianlges makin a 90 degrees angle


i tried draw it your way and got 49 degrees. But i think we have to draw a 3

Use the poem "The Workers Anvil" to answer the question.

Which labor goal of the late nineteenth century does the poem BEST illustrate? Explain
A. the desire to organize
B. the need for a political voice
C. the foundation of new parties
D. the creation of jobs in the community

The correct answer is A. the desire to organize.

The poem "The Workers Anvil" describes the work of laborers who gather and organize to make changes:

"From forge and fire and sweat and strain
The powers of earth with ease we gain,
In union strong we grasp the reins
And forge our future's vast domains."

This illustrates the desire of laborers to organize themselves in unions to gain power and improve their working conditions. The poem emphasizes the importance of coming together and working as a group to achieve their goals, which is a central part of the labor movement of the late nineteenth century. Therefore, the poem BEST illustrates the labor goal of the desire to organize.

To calculate the angle between Tara and the boat as viewed from Brit's position, you can use the concept of trigonometry. Specifically, you can apply the tangent function to find the angle.

Here are the steps to calculate the angle:

1. Visualize the situation: Draw a diagram to represent Brit, Tara, and the sailboat with the given measurements. Label the distance between Brit and Tara as "d" (13.5 m), the distance between the boat and the girls as "x," and the height of the mast as "h" (8.0 m).

2. Determine the distance between the boat and Tara: Since the boat is equidistant from both girls when it is in the middle, this distance will be half of the total distance between them. Thus, x = d/2 = 13.5 m / 2 = 6.75 m.

3. Use the tangent function to calculate the angle: The tangent of an angle is defined as the ratio of the opposite side (height of the mast, h) to the adjacent side (distance, x). So, Tan(angle) = h/x.

Substitute the known values into the equation: Tan(angle) = 8.0 m / 6.75 m.

To find the angle, you need to take the inverse tangent (or arctan) of both sides of the equation: Angle = arctan(8.0 m / 6.75 m).

4. Calculate the angle: Use a calculator or lookup table to find the arctan value of (8.0 m / 6.75 m) and get the angle. The result will be in radians.

5. Convert the angle to degrees: Multiply the angle in radians by 180 degrees / π radians to convert it to degrees.

Angle (in degrees) = Angle (in radians) * 180 / π.

Round the final value to the nearest degree, as specified in the question.

By following these steps and performing the calculations, you can determine the angle between Tara and the boat as viewed from Brit's position.

Draw a hor. line and label it ABC with

B being the mid-point of the line. Draw
a ver line to point B and label the top
of the ver line point D. Draw a line from A to D and from C to D. We have
formed 2 congruent rt triangles with a
common ver side.

AB = BC = 13.75/2 = 6.75m.

BD = 8m.

tanA = BD/AB = 8/6.75 = 1.1852,
A = 50 Deg. = Angle of elevation.