i need two examples of how geography and climate affect where most people in east asia and southeast asia choose to live.

Compare these maps. What do you see?




I have the same essay question. here's part of my notes...the eastern part of the Taklimakan desert receives less than 0.5 inches of rain per year...hope i helped!!

Sure! Here are two examples of how geography and climate affect where most people in East Asia and Southeast Asia choose to live:

1. River valleys and fertile plains: In East Asia and Southeast Asia, river valleys and fertile plains are a preferred choice for settlement due to their geographic advantages. The presence of major rivers such as the Yangtze River in China, the Mekong River in Southeast Asia, and the Yellow River in China provides a reliable source of freshwater for agricultural purposes. The fertile soil and availability of water support intensive farming, making these areas attractive for human habitation. As a result, cities like Shanghai, Bangkok, and Ho Chi Minh City have developed along these river valleys and plains, as they offer favorable conditions for agriculture, trade, and transportation.

2. Coastal areas and natural harbors: The geography of East Asia and Southeast Asia also influences settlement patterns along the coastal areas. The region is surrounded by large bodies of water, including the Pacific Ocean, South China Sea, and Indian Ocean. Coastal areas and natural harbors provide advantageous locations for trade, fishing, and maritime activities. Countries like Japan, South Korea, and Singapore heavily rely on their coastlines as gateways for international trade. The proximity to the sea also offers access to marine resources and opportunities for tourism development. As a result, major cities such as Tokyo, Seoul, and Manila have developed along the coastlines, capitalizing on the economic advantages afforded by their maritime geography.

Overall, the combination of fertile river valleys/plains and coastal areas with natural harbors plays a significant role in shaping the settlement patterns and the distribution of population in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

Geography and climate play a significant role in influencing where most people choose to live in East Asia and Southeast Asia. Here are two examples:

1. Coastlines and River Deltas:
Both East Asia and Southeast Asia have extensive coastlines and numerous river systems. The coastal areas and river deltas provide fertile land for agriculture, access to water for daily needs, and transportation networks. As a result, many people choose to live in areas such as the Pearl River Delta region in China, the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, or the Yangtze River Delta in China. These regions offer favorable conditions for agriculture, fishing, and trade, attracting a high population density.

2. Mountainous Terrain:
The region of East Asia and Southeast Asia is characterized by mountainous terrain, with significant mountain ranges such as the Himalayas, the Tibetan Plateau, and the Japanese Alps. These mountains play a crucial role in determining the climate, precipitation patterns, and landscapes of the surrounding areas. Mountainous regions often experience cooler temperatures, higher rainfall, and have less arable land. Consequently, the population density tends to be lower in mountainous areas due to the challenges of agriculture and habitation. People prefer to live in the foothills and valleys surrounding the mountains, such as the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal or the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in China, where the terrain is more suitable for farming and settlement.

To summarize, the geographic features and climate of East Asia and Southeast Asia, including coastlines, river deltas, and mountains, influence the choices of where most people prefer to live. Access to fertile land, water resources, transportation networks, and favorable climate conditions are key factors that attract a higher population density in certain areas while making others less suitable for habitation.