A {r,u,v,y}

B {r,v,w,x}
C {r,u,w,z}
t and s are on the outsides.

find (A intersect B) intersect Cc
(A union B union C)c

To find the intersection of sets A and B, we need to identify the elements that they have in common:

A {r,u,v,y}
B {r,v,w,x}

The intersection of A and B is: A intersect B = {r, v}

Now, to find the complement of set C (Cc), we need to identify the elements that are not in set C.

C {r,u,w,z}
Complement of C, Cc = {v, x, y}

Next, we need to find the intersection of (A intersect B) and Cc.

(A intersect B) {r, v}
Cc {v, x, y}

The intersection of (A intersect B) and Cc is: (A intersect B) intersect Cc = {v}

To find the complement of the union of A, B, and C, we need to identify the elements that are not in the union of these sets.

A {r,u,v,y}
B {r,v,w,x}
C {r,u,w,z}

(A union B union C) = {r, u, v, y, w, x, z}

Complement of (A union B union C), (A union B union C)c = {}

Since the union of A, B, and C includes all the possible elements in the given sets, the complement of this union will be an empty set.

In summary:

(A intersect B) intersect Cc = {v}
(A union B union C)c = {}