if a game is started at 7:48am and finishes at 10:58am ... how do I figure how many hours and minutes it took to finish the game?

10:58 - 7:48 = 3:10

Thanks. So no matter what the times I have to subtract the starting time from the ending time - right?


To figure out how many hours and minutes it took to finish the game, you can follow these steps:

1. Subtract the starting time from the finishing time to find the elapsed time.
2. Convert the elapsed time to hours and minutes.

Let's break it down:

Step 1: Subtract the starting time from the finishing time
To do this, you need to subtract the hours and minutes separately.

Finishing Time: 10:58 am (10 hours and 58 minutes)
Starting Time: 7:48 am (7 hours and 48 minutes)

Subtract the minutes:
58 minutes - 48 minutes = 10 minutes

Subtract the hours:
10 hours - 7 hours = 3 hours

Therefore, the elapsed time is 3 hours and 10 minutes.

Step 2: Convert the elapsed time to hours and minutes

Now that we have the elapsed time in minutes and hours, we can express it as a single value.

3 hours + (10 minutes/60) hours = 3.1667 hours

To convert the minutes to hours, divide the minutes by 60 (as there are 60 minutes in an hour).

Therefore, it took approximately 3 hours and 10 minutes to finish the game.