For my history class I have to do a research report about a social topic and I want to talk about cults. My teacher said to choose one and I chose Heaven's Gate. At first I was going to talk about the harmful effects of cults but after researching it, it was hard to find. A lot of it is a matter of opinion. So now I'm on the fence of what I should write about. What should my thesis statement be?

You've learned a lot already! :-)

These sites will help you develop your thesis statement.

After you've decided on your thesis statement, we'll be glad to comment on it.

I was thinking maybe it could be something like this:

While the effects of a cult are a matter of opinion, it is important to realize that "mind control" is more of an unclear and incorrectly named reason for cult conversion.

I don't know if this makes sense or maybe it should be more specific? I'm trying to say that mind control is not exactly true for cult conversion.

You wrote, "I'm trying to say that mind control is not exactly true for cult conversion."

I think the bold part of what you wrote is the crux of what you're getting at. Please clarify the meaning of "true" for me, though.

Not true as in mind control is not a valid reason for cult conversion. Does that make more sense?

OK, let's make sure I understand. Let me know if I don't, OK?

Something like this ~ mind control is not always a factor in a person's conversion to a cult.


Brainwashing and other forms of mind control are not always needed in order for a person to decide to join a cult.

I have trouble with the wording "valid reason" or "true" because I'm not clear on the "validity" or the "truth" -- on the part of the person joining the cult? or on the part of the person doing the recruiting? or ... ?

When crafting your thesis statement for a research report on Heaven's Gate, it is important to consider the objective of your paper. Since you mentioned that finding harmful effects of cults is challenging and subjective, you might want to consider shifting the focus of your thesis statement to another aspect of the topic. Here are a few alternative angles you could take:

1. Examining the Belief System of Heaven's Gate: Your thesis statement could focus on delving into the unique beliefs and ideologies held by the members of Heaven's Gate. For instance: "This research report explores the belief system and cosmology of Heaven's Gate, a cult infamous for its mass suicide event, in order to shed light on the role of ideology in shaping such groups."

2. Analyzing the Factors Leading to the Heaven's Gate Tragedy: Instead of focusing on the specifically harmful effects, you could explore the various factors that contributed to the tragic events surrounding Heaven's Gate. For example: "This research report examines the socio-psychological factors that led to the mass suicide of Heaven's Gate members, aiming to gain insights into the circumstances that create environments conducive to extreme actions within cults."

3. Investigating the Cultural Repercussions of the Heaven's Gate Incident: Your thesis statement could emphasize the wider impact of the Heaven's Gate tragedy on society and popular culture. For instance: "This research report analyzes the lasting cultural impact of the Heaven's Gate incident, investigating how this event influenced public perception of cults and shaped media portrayals of such groups."

Remember, your thesis statement should reflect the specific focus and objective of your research paper. Once you determine the direction you want to take, it will be easier to structure your report and gather information accordingly.