I need help with my assignment called o List the application-level requirements

To list the application-level requirements for your assignment, you will need to gather information from various sources, such as project documents, user interviews, and research about similar applications. Here's a step-by-step process to help you:

1. Understand the purpose: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the assignment and the objective of the application you are working on. It will help you identify the appropriate requirements.

2. Analyze project documents: Review any project documents, such as the project proposal or specification, to identify any documented requirements. These may include high-level objectives or constraints.

3. Identify stakeholders: Identify the stakeholders who will be using or benefiting from the application. This could be end-users, clients, managers, or other relevant parties. Consider their needs and expectations.

4. Conduct user interviews or surveys: If possible, talk to the potential end-users or stakeholders to get insights into their requirements. Ask them about their goals, tasks, and any specific functionality they expect from the application.

5. Research existing applications: Look for similar applications or competitors in the market. Analyze their features, functionalities, and user feedback. This can help you identify common and expected features that need to be considered.

6. Categorize the requirements: Once you have gathered all the information, categorize the requirements into different groups for better organization. For example, you can have functional requirements (what the application should do), non-functional requirements (performance, security, usability), and user interface requirements (UI design, navigation).

7. Document the requirements: Write down all the identified requirements in a clear and understandable format. Use standard templates, such as User Stories, Use Cases, or a Requirements Document, to capture the details effectively.

8. Validate the requirements: Share the documented requirements with relevant stakeholders for their review and feedback. Make sure they align with the project objectives and expectations.

Remember, application-level requirements may vary depending on the nature of your assignment, such as the domain, technology, or audience. Adapt these steps to suit your specific needs and consider consulting with your instructor or peers for further guidance.