angles 1 and 2 are adjacent angles on a line. What is the sum of the measures of the angles?

d. 180 I think the answer is b.

How many degrees are represented by a straight line?

The sum of those angles in 180 degrees. That is because to form a straight line, you need 180 degrees.

To find the sum of the measures of adjacent angles on a line, you simply add the measures of the angles together. Since angles 1 and 2 are adjacent angles, the sum of their measures will be equal to the measure of a straight angle, which is 180 degrees. Therefore, the correct answer is d. 180.

To find the sum of the measures of adjacent angles on a line, you need to add their measures. In this case, angles 1 and 2 are adjacent angles, so the sum of their measures would be the measure of angle 1 plus the measure of angle 2.

Since the answer choices are measured in whole numbers, the sum of the measures of these adjacent angles must be a whole number as well. Let's examine the answer choices:

a. 30: This seems too small since adjacent angles on a line are usually larger than that.
b. 60: This is a plausible answer since adjacent angles on a line sum up to 180 degrees, and 60 + 120 = 180. However, we need to be sure.
c. 90: This answer is unlikely since adjacent angles on a line have a sum of 180 degrees, and 90 is only half of that.
d. 180: This is the sum of adjacent angles on a line. However, you need to select an option from the given answer choices, so d is not an option.

Therefore, the only reasonable option from the given answer choices is b. 60.