carol wants to earn at least $150.00 for her charity while running in a race. she will earn $20.00 for participating plus $7.00 for each mile she runs. if m represents the number of miles shre runs, which inequality represents the money carol wants to earn?

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I'll be glad to check your answer.

but if she wants to earn 150 and she already has 20 would she subtract 20 from 150? how is it 20+7m<150

i do not want an answer i just don't get how to do this problem. i have a packet and i do the ones i get and ask for help with the ones i dont. i just ask for an explanation on how to do the questions that i do not understand.

for this question, if carolwants to earn $150.00 but she already has earned $20.00 would she subtract that or just look for an inequality

20 + 7m < 150

7m < 150 - 20

We both posted the same inequality.
