ok when i misread sweet dreams to sweat dreams everyone started laughing... wat does it actually mean? can someone tell me please ;)

Are you asking what the difference is between "sweet" and "sweat"?



no i just wonder is der meaning behind dat phraze "sweat dreams"?

Sweat dreams is what menopausal women sometimes have when they perspire a lot.

Sweet dreams are nice dreams.

The phrase "sweet dreams" is a common way to bid someone farewell and wish them pleasant and peaceful dreams while they sleep. It is usually used as a way to express well-wishes and convey a hope for a restful night. Conversely, the phrase "sweat dreams" is a misinterpretation of the correct phrase.

To understand the correct meaning of a phrase or word, it's helpful to consult a reliable source such as a dictionary or reputable online resource. In this case, you can search for the phrase "sweet dreams" to get its accurate definition. A quick search will reveal that "sweet dreams" refers to pleasant, pleasant, and enjoyable dreams during sleep. Understanding the correct meaning of words or phrases can help prevent miscommunication or embarrassing situations.