Hello, i'm writing an essay about how truth should be told because it will help materialize solutions to problems and difficulties, etc. Can you please help me start my introduction? I want to start it really interestingly but nothing really comes in mind... and also, for my conclusion am I just repeating what i said in the body paragraphs? wouldn't that seem too redundant? What should I do? Thank you so much! :D

How truth should be told? Plain, simple, straightforward, with clarity.

Wondering if you meant "why" truth, instead of "how" truth.

Introduction: You try this, we will critique.

Yes, the conclusion does restate what you said, but a creative writer really summarizes, and if restatement is done, it is simplified.

Yep I am writing about why truth should be told :) But is asking a question a good way to start an introduction? Maybe like "have you had an experience where..."?

You want to write an introduction for a paper that isn't planned or written yet?? That's backwards.

If you have written the rest of your paper, be sure to let us in on what your thesis statement is, as well as the outline you followed.

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Of course! I'd be happy to help you get started on your essay and provide some guidance for your introduction and conclusion.

To begin your essay on the importance of telling the truth, it's essential to grab your readers' attention right from the start. Consider using a thought-provoking or captivating anecdote, a powerful quote, or a compelling statistic related to the impact of truth-telling on problem-solving. These techniques can help engage your audience and set the foundation for your argument. For example:

"Imagine a world where lies reign supreme, where deceit and half-truths shroud every interaction and every decision. In such a world, problems and difficulties persist, intensify, and find no resolution. However, amid this seemingly bleak landscape, there exists a potent tool capable of addressing these challenges head-on: the truth. By shining a light on the unadulterated realities, truth has the power to materialize solutions, break down barriers, and breathe life into collective problem-solving."

This opening paragraph uses vivid language and paints a vivid picture to capture the reader's attention. It also hints at the central argument of your essay, which is that truth-telling plays a vital role in addressing problems and difficulties.

Regarding your conclusion, it's important to avoid mere repetition. Instead, use this section to reinforce the main points you've made in your body paragraphs and offer a fresh perspective or call to action. Here are a few approaches you can take:

1. Summarize key points: Briefly recap the main arguments and evidence presented in your essay, highlighting how truth-telling contributes to solutions and problem-solving.

2. Reflect on implications: Consider the broader implications of your argument for society, relationships, or personal growth. Discuss the potential positive outcomes that could arise from embracing truth.

3. Provide a call to action: Encourage your readers to embrace truthfulness in their own lives and share the benefits of truth-telling with others. Consider offering practical suggestions for truth-seeking and fostering an environment that prizes honesty.

Remember, the conclusion is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your readers. It should bring your essay to a satisfying close rather than reiterating what has already been stated.

Good luck with your essay!