you're reviewing reimbursement for medicare surgical craniotomy case. The case falls into DRG 1, which has a relative weight of 3.0970 and a geometric mean length of stay of 6.3. The hospital's current standard reimbusement rate is $1500. calculate the DRG reimbursement for this case

To calculate the DRG reimbursement for this case, you need to use the following formula:

DRG reimbursement = relative weight × standard reimbursement rate

Given that the relative weight is 3.0970 and the standard reimbursement rate is $1500, you can calculate the reimbursement as follows:

DRG reimbursement = 3.0970 × $1500 = $4645.50

So, the DRG reimbursement for this case would be $4645.50.