
(4a3 – 7a2) – (8a3 + 1a2)

To subtract the given expressions, we need to combine like terms. Like terms have the same variable raised to the same power.

Let's start by considering the terms with "a3". We have 4a3 and -8a3. Since they have the same variable raised to the same power, we can combine them by subtracting their coefficients: 4a3 - 8a3 = -4a3.

Next, let's consider the terms with "a2". We have -7a2 and 1a2. Again, they have the same variable raised to the same power, so we can combine them: -7a2 + 1a2 = -6a2.

Now, we can write the final expression after subtracting the like terms:
(4a3 – 7a2) – (8a3 + 1a2) = -4a3 - 6a2