how can you sort the words soup, double, cougars, and enough?


my teacher wont allow that

Each of these words have the vowel combination of "ou."

oh ok thanks

You're welcome.

To sort the words "soup," "double," "cougars," and "enough," you can follow these steps:

1. Compare the first letter of each word.
- "soup" starts with "s"
- "double" starts with "d"
- "cougars" starts with "c"
- "enough" starts with "e"

2. Arrange the words based on the alphabetical order of their first letters:
- "cougars" (comes first alphabetically)
- "double" (comes second, after "cougars")
- "enough" (comes third, after "double" and "cougars")
- "soup" (comes last, after "enough," "double," and "cougars")

Therefore, the sorted words are: "cougars," "double," "enough," "soup."