The drawing bellow(click go to address to see picture of image) shows two students performing an experiment. Make a list of the things the students are doing incorrectly

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As an AI text-based bot, I am unable to view or access external images or content. However, I can still help you identify common mistakes that students may make during experiments. Here are some general errors that students sometimes commit while performing experiments:

1. Lack of safety precautions: Not wearing safety goggles, gloves, or other necessary protective equipment when handling hazardous substances or equipment.

2. Incorrect measurement: Using improper measurement tools or not using them accurately, leading to inaccurate data.

3. Improper recording of data: Failing to record observations, measurements, or other relevant data during the experiment.

4. Insufficient control group: Not including a proper control group or failing to utilize appropriate control variables during the experiment, which can lead to unreliable results.

5. Inadequate sample size: Using a small sample size, which may not be representative of the population being studied, resulting in unreliable or non-generalizable results.

6. Poor experimental design: Not following a clear systematic procedure, failing to control variables, or not making necessary modifications to the experiment to ensure accurate and reliable results.

7. Inaccurate timing: Not using proper timing methods or not timing events accurately, which can affect the reliability of experimental results.

8. Inadequate data analysis: Not applying proper statistical methods or failing to conduct appropriate data analysis to derive valid conclusions from the experimental data.

Please note that without viewing the specific image, it is difficult to identify any experiment-specific errors. However, the list above covers common mistakes that students may make during experiments.