Ok, so I’m working on this problem where I have to get electron per mole. I know that I need to get from Coulombs/mole of H2 all the way to # of electrons/ moles of electrons. I know that the half life reaction is as follows: 2H+ +2e- -->H2(g)

For Coulombs per mole of H2 I have this number: 184376.75 C/mol H2 and I also know that 1mol H2/2mol e- and that 1mol e-/96,500 C

I’m having issues filling in the pieces. Am I missing something? I know I have to be because I should be getting something near 6.022 X 10^23 and I’m not getting anywhere near that! I would really appreciate some help on this. Thank you very much!

You might try posting the entire problem. From what you've posted I don't know what the problem is asking.

To calculate the number of electrons per mole, you can use the given conversion factors and follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the given value of Coulombs per mole of H2: 184376.75 C/mol H2.

Step 2: Use the conversion factor 1 mole H2/2 mole e- to convert from moles of H2 to moles of electrons. This conversion factor tells you that for every 2 moles of electrons, there is 1 mole of H2.

184376.75 C/mol H2 * (1 mol H2/2 mol e-) = 92188.375 C/mol e-

Step 3: Finally, use the conversion factor 1 mole e-/96,500 C to convert from moles of electrons to the number of electrons.

92188.375 C/mol e- * (1 mol e-/96,500 C) = 0.9559 mol e-

To convert this to the number of electrons per mole, you need to multiply by Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 electrons per mole).

0.9559 mol e- * (6.022 x 10^23 electrons/mol) = 5.758 x 10^23 electrons/mol

Therefore, the number of electrons per mole is approximately 5.758 x 10^23. It appears there was a calculation error in your approach, which resulted in a different value. By following these steps, you should be able to obtain the correct answer.