Rule In Out

% ? 24 9
25% 44 ?

To find out the unknown numbers with explanation?

To find out the unknown numbers in the table, we need to identify the pattern or rule that governs the relationship between the given numbers.

Looking at the table, we can observe the following pattern:
1. The numbers in the "In" column increase by a certain percentage when going from row to row.
2. The numbers in the "Out" column follow a different pattern.

Let's analyze each row separately:

Row 1: % ? 24 9
From the first row, we can see that the number in the "In" column is multiplied by a certain percentage to get the number in the "Out" column. In this case, we need to calculate what percentage of 24 equals 9.

To do this, we can set up the following equation:
(Percentage/100) * 24 = 9
Solving this equation:
Percentage/100 = 9/24
Percentage/100 = 3/8
Percentage = (3/8) * 100
Percentage = 37.5

Therefore, the missing number in the bottom-left cell is 37.5.

Row 2: 25% 44 ?
From the second row, we notice that the number in the "In" column indicates a percentage increase or decrease to apply to the previous row's number in the "Out" column. In this case, we need to calculate 25% of 44 to find the missing number.

To do this, we can set up the following equation:
(25/100) * 44 = Missing number
Solving this equation:
Missing number = (25/100) * 44
Missing number = 0.25 * 44
Missing number = 11

Therefore, the missing number in the bottom-right cell is 11.

The updated table with the missing numbers would be:
Rule In Out
% 37.5 24 9
25% 44 11