What's a proper word for "(expletive)".

For example, She stole my pencil, that (expletive)!

Oh it censored it, a word for female dog, what's a proper word for that, the other meaning is to insult someone.

For the person who stole the pencil -- how about thief?

No, someone who is completely out of the line, that word that was filtered, what's a proper word for it?

"An overbearing shrew" comes to mind.

Thanks writeacher, shrew wroks :)

To find a suitable word that can be used as a replacement for an expletive, you can consider using a mild or euphemistic expression. Some common options include:

1. Darn
2. Dang
3. Shoot
4. Gosh
5. Heck

These words are considered less offensive and can be used to convey frustration or annoyance without resorting to profanity. However, please keep in mind that the appropriateness of these words may vary depending on the context and the audience you are speaking or writing to. It is always important to consider the situation and choose your words accordingly.