If molly tosses a coin and rolls a number cube, what is the probability of the coin landing heads up and the number cube stopping with a 6 on top?

i'm not a hundred percent sure but i think its 2/12 so 1/6

no actully 1/8

wouldn't you multiply the two probabilities of each outcome?

1/2*1/6= 1/12
what do you think how did you get 1/8?


Jill, you are correct with 1/12

Yup!! I did the math problem 3 times and i got 1/12 like Jill and Reiny!!

To find the probability of both events occurring, we need to consider two things: the number of favorable outcomes and the total number of possible outcomes.

1. Probability of landing heads on the coin:
The coin has two sides: heads and tails. So, the probability of getting heads is 1 out of 2.

2. Probability of rolling a 6 on the number cube:
The number cube has six equally likely outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. So, the probability of rolling a 6 is 1 out of 6.

To find the probability of both events happening, we multiply the individual probabilities together:
Probability of coin landing heads up and number cube showing 6 = Probability of coin landing heads × Probability of number cube showing 6.
P(coin heads and number cube 6) = (1/2) × (1/6)

Now, let's simplify the expression:
P(coin heads and number cube 6) = 1/12

Therefore, the probability of Molly tossing a coin and rolling a number cube, resulting in the coin landing heads up and the number cube showing a 6 on top, is 1 out of 12.