Balance the following equation in basic media

CLO3 (-1) +I (-1) --------->CLO2 +I2

please i need the final answer too

ClO3^- + 2I^- ==> I2 + ClO2

Cl changes from +5 to +4. 2I changes from -2 (for both) to 0.
Now what don't you understand?

ok thnx that's clear but

where do we add OH ?

If you follow the proper procedure for balancing redox equations, the OH^- adds to the appropriate side.

everything's clear now ..thanks alot for helping ..

To balance the given equation in basic media (meaning a solution with a high concentration of hydroxide ions, OH-), follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the unbalanced equation:
CLO3- + I- → CLO2 + I2

Step 2: Balance all atoms except for oxygen and hydrogen:
Since there is one iodine (I) atom on both sides, we don't need to balance it initially.

CLO3- → CLO2

Step 3: Balance oxygen atoms by adding water molecules (H2O) to the side that lacks oxygen:
CLO3- → CLO2 + H2O

Step 4: Balance hydrogen atoms by adding hydrogen ions (H+) to the opposite side:
CLO3- → CLO2 + H2O + H+

Step 5: Balance charges by adding electrons (e-) to the side that has a greater negative charge (the side with excess negative charge):
CLO3- + 6e- → CLO2 + H2O + H+

Step 6: Balance electron numbers on both sides by multiplying the appropriate coefficients:
2CLO3- + 12e- → 2CLO2 + 6H2O + 6H+

Step 7: Combine hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) to form water (H2O):
6H+ + 6OH- → 6H2O

Step 8: Cancel out duplicate species on both sides of the equation:
2CLO3- + 6OH- → 2CLO2 + 6H2O

Step 9: Combine like terms and rewrite the balanced equation:
2CLO3- + 6OH- → 2CLO2 + 6H2O + 12I-

So, the balanced equation in basic media is:
2CLO3- + 6OH- → 2CLO2 + 6H2O + 12I-

Please note that the equation is balanced with respect to atoms and charge. However, for a complete answer, you would need to consider the coefficients, which depend on the specific conditions of the reaction, such as reactant concentrations and reaction rate.