I still have a few more doubts. Could you check the following phrases and improve them, please?

1) I spend my time selling "homemade"/handmade (?) charms to earn money.
2) He fears an accident, an injury or a breakdown of his motorbike.
3) They will get/raise (are they both possible?) money for a charity.
4) "Is your birthday next Saturday?" She asked me if my birthday was the following Saturday (and not "If it was my birthday the next Saturday?)

1. handmade

2. OK

3. Both are possible, but "raise" is by far the better choice.

4. Either phrasing works.

Certainly! I'd be happy to help you improve these phrases. Here are some suggested revisions:

1) I spend my time selling handmade charms to earn money. (Both "homemade" and "handmade" can work in this context, but "handmade" emphasizes the handcrafted nature of the charms.)

2) He is afraid of getting into an accident, sustaining an injury, or experiencing a breakdown with his motorbike. (Using "getting into" instead of "fears" adds clarity, and specifying "with his motorbike" provides more context.)

3) They will raise money for a charity. (Both "get" and "raise" are possible, but "raise" is more commonly used when referring to collecting funds for a cause.)

4) "Is your birthday next Saturday?" She asked me if my birthday would be the following Saturday. ("Would be" is a more natural choice to express future possibility in reported speech. Using "the following" instead of "the next" provides a clearer reference to the specific Saturday mentioned.)

Remember, these revisions are suggestions to improve clarity and naturalness, but the original phrases are generally understandable as well.