I'd like to thank you with all my heart for giving me notes on the Prepositions/countries/cities. Thanks a lot. It really helped me =)

P.S I had a substitute for French, so she gave us this exercise to do, and I am having a hard time understanding what to do. It's more of a project than an exercise.

*Des vacances speciales*

Pensez à des vacances spéciales (ou imaginaires) avec votre famille ou vos amis. Faites une série de dessins qui montrent, en ordre, les activités spéciales. (Vous pouvez aussi utiliser des photos.) enfin, sous chaque dessin, écrivez une phrase ou passé composé où vous dites où vous êtes allé(e) et ce que vous avez fait.


Nous sommes allees a la Martinique
ou nous avons nage dans la mer.

This could be a fun one! Think about a trip, real or imaginary. Make some sketches (I can't draw worth a darn so I'd use old magazines with scenery and perhaps some activites) or photos. Photos would be good if you actually did the trip but the imaginary one could be based on what you FIND in old magazines. Put these sketch es, etc., in order with the special activities. What y ou are doing is "telling a story" with these sketch es AND on each dketch you write a sentence (probably should be au passé composé and not ou) where you tell where you went and what you did.

Now, if they are photos, I doubt you want to write ON them. You could write on other paper and temporarily paper clip each sentence on the proper photo.

If you have a "felt board" or "cork board" you could put the skietches up in order as you tell the story, or line them up a chalk board. Passing them around the room means they could be damaged, etc.

Looking at the example, be sure you have accent marks AND that past participle includes females only. See what you can find and I'll be happy to check your sentences, if you'd like.

Sra (aka Mme)

Thanks so much Sra :D

Okay, I will try to complete this activity tonight, and post it onto here. Thanks for the sites, and information <3

You are most welcome! It's a pleasure! Sra

To understand what you need to do for this project, let's break down the instructions.

1. *Des vacances spéciales* - This means "special holidays" in English. The project requires you to think about and create a series of drawings or pictures that depict special or imaginary holidays with your family or friends.

2. Faites une série de dessins qui montrent, en ordre, les activités spéciales. - This translates to "Create a series of drawings that show, in order, the special activities." The drawings should illustrate the activities you did during your special holidays.

For example, if you went to the beach, you could draw a picture of yourself playing beach volleyball. If you visited a famous landmark, you could draw that landmark.

3. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser des photos. - This means "You can also use photos." If you have any photos from real holidays or if you find pictures online that represent your special holidays, you can include them in your project.

4. Enfin, sous chaque dessin, écrivez une phrase ou passé composé où vous dites où vous êtes allé(e) et ce que vous avez fait. - This instructs you to write a sentence or a passé composé tense under each drawing, stating where you went and what you did. For example, if you drew a picture of yourself swimming in the Caribbean Sea, you would write a sentence like "Nous sommes allés en Martinique où nous avons nagé dans la mer."

To complete your project, make a series of drawings or include photos to represent your special holidays. Under each drawing, write a sentence or passé composé phrase stating where you went and what you did.

Remember to have fun and let your imagination run wild! Good luck with your project!