How do you make an egg drop without it breaking?

Try some of these ideas.

the ideas didn't show up

To make an egg drop without it breaking, you can follow the steps of an egg drop experiment. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Gather materials: You will need a raw egg, a container to protect the egg (e.g., a plastic bag, a small box with cushioning material), and additional materials for building a structure around the egg (e.g., straws, popsicle sticks, rubber bands, tape, bubble wrap, cotton balls).

2. Understand the forces involved: The main goal is to protect the egg from the force of impact when it hits the ground. This can be achieved by creating a structure that absorbs or distributes the force of the fall.

3. Design your protective structure: Start by brainstorming and designing a structure that will surround the egg. Consider creating a cushioning system or using materials that absorb impact. Think about how the structure will distribute the forces acting on the egg during the fall.

4. Build your structure: Use the chosen materials to construct the protective structure, ensuring it securely holds the egg in place and provides ample cushioning.

5. Test your design: Find a safe location with sufficient height, such as a balcony or staircase. Drop your structure with the egg from a specific height, making sure any observers are out of harm's way.

6. Analyze the results: Examine the condition of the egg after each drop. If it remains intact, you have successfully made an egg drop without it breaking. If it breaks, assess the design and make improvements based on what worked or didn't work.

Remember, the purpose of this experiment is to learn and iterate on your design. Don't be discouraged if your first attempt doesn't succeed; it often takes multiple trials to refine and improve the protective structure.

Pro tip: If you have limited materials, explore different methods like creating a parachute with a plastic bag to slow down the fall or building a crumple zone to absorb the impact. Creativity is key in engineering challenges like an egg drop!