I am supposed to survey people because I am doing a research paper about slang. Can anyone please answer these questions for me? The more answers I get the better. I would appreciate it so much.

1)What kind of slang do you use when text messaging?
2)What kind of sland do you use when chatting online?
3)What kind of slang do you use in real life when talking to friends?
4) Do you ever have problems communicating with those older or younger than you?
5) How did you solve those problems?

1. I don't

2. I don't
3. old Texas metaphors
4. nope
5. I listen.

1. I don't either.

2. I don't.
3. I tend to adapt my slang terms to those who are listening (see one of my articles).
4. If I do 3 adequately, this minimizes communication problems.
5. Here are some articles I wrote that might help:


Even though one of my areas of expertise is communication (I often give talks on this topic.), I still have problems in communication. However, the problems are relatively minimal and infrequent compared to those of others. If I misspeak or am in error in my communication — and I am made aware of the problem — I apologize and try to rectify my error.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To get answers to your survey questions about slang, you can follow these steps:

1) Online Survey: You can create an online survey using platforms such as Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform. These platforms allow you to create questions and share the survey link with various people, which can help you gather a larger number of responses.

2) Social Media: Utilize social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Reddit to post your survey questions. You can ask your own followers/friends to respond or join relevant groups and communities where people may be more interested in contributing to your research.

3) Online Forums: Participate in online forums or discussion boards related to linguistics, language, or slang. Engage with the community by asking if anyone would be willing to answer your survey questions. Make sure to follow any rules or guidelines of the specific platform you are using.

4) College/University: If you are a student, you can approach people on your campus and ask them to participate in your survey. Many students may be interested in supporting your research, especially if it is related to their own experiences or interests.

5) Family and Friends: Reach out to your family members, friends, and acquaintances to ask if they are willing to respond to your survey questions. Personal connections can often provide valuable insights and diverse perspectives.

Remember to communicate the purpose of your research, ensure confidentiality if necessary, and express gratitude for their participation.

As an AI, I am unable to personally answer the questions, but I hope these suggestions help you gather more responses for your research paper on slang!