How would I change the following sentences to exclamatory?

The moon travels at more than 2,300 miles per hour

Some people thought the moon was made out of green cheese

Let us know what you come up with after you read the examples in the linked webpage.

I thought the moon travels at more than 2,300 miles per hour!

I thought the moon was made out of green cheese!

confusion exclamatory

I was just checking back to see if anyone read the sentences.

Those are o.k.

To change the given sentences to exclamatory form, you would need to add an exclamation mark at the end of each sentence to express excitement or strong emotion. Here's how you can do it:

1. "The moon travels at more than 2,300 miles per hour!" - By adding an exclamation mark at the end, you transform the statement into an exclamatory sentence, conveying surprise or awe about the moon's speed.

2. "Some people thought the moon was made out of green cheese!" - Again, adding an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence changes it to an exclamatory form, indicating a sense of disbelief or amusement at the notion of the moon being made of green cheese.

Remember that exclamatory sentences are used to express strong feelings or emotions, so the addition of the exclamation mark helps convey a heightened sense of excitement or astonishment.