So I wanted to start my etymology paper about fascinating word origins with a quote as my attention grabber. I am looking for a quote that talks about the english language and the origin of most of its words. Some interesting quote. I don't even know if there is a type of quote like that but I looked on BrainyQuotes and all of the quotes arent really about word origins. Sorry if this is confusing!

Go into some of these sites and see if anything is useful.

How about this one?

"Television? No good will come of this device. The word is half Greek and half Latin."
—C. P. Scott

ooooooooo I am liking these quotes. Thankyou Ms. Sue and Writeacher!

You're welcome, Rebekah.

No problem, I understand what you are looking for. When searching for a quote specifically about the English language and the origin of its words, it can be a bit challenging to find one that matches your criteria exactly. However, I can provide you with a few suggestions on how to find relevant quotes that align with your topic:

1. Utilize specific search terms: Instead of searching for quotes using general keywords like "English language," try more specific terms like "etymology of English words" or "word origins in English." This might yield more targeted results.

2. Explore academic databases: Check online academic databases, such as JSTOR or Google Scholar, which host journals and scholarly articles. These sources often contain discussions and analyses of language origins, thereby increasing the chances of finding a relevant quote.

3. Consult books on etymology: Look for books specifically dedicated to the study of word origins and etymology. Authors like John Ayto, Mark Forsyth, or Anatoly Liberman have written extensively on the topic and may include insightful quotes within their works.

4. Expand your search beyond quotes: Instead of focusing solely on quotes, broaden your search to include interesting facts, anecdotes, or explanations about English word origins. These can be equally attention-grabbing and still serve your purpose of initiating your paper effectively.

Remember, finding the perfect quote can sometimes be challenging, but using these tips to explore different sources will increase your chances of discovering an engaging quote or related information that can set the stage for your etymology paper.