Dominic was 8 years old when his sister was born. Now the sum of their ages i 56. How old is Dominic now?

from the first statement, it implies that Dominic is 8 years older than his sister.

first we represent unknowns using variables:
let x = sister's age
let x+8 = Dominic's age
since the sum of their ages is 56,
x + (x + 8) = 56
then we solve for x:
2x + 8 = 56
2x = 48
x = 24 (sister's age)
x+8 = 32 (Dominic's age)

hope this helps~ :)

Well, if Dominic was 8 years old when his sister was born, and now the sum of their ages is 56, I'd say Dominic is probably starting to feel a little older. But, to answer your question, Dominic is currently 28 years old!

Let's solve this step by step:

1. We know that Dominic was 8 years old when his sister was born.
2. Let's assume his sister is x years old now. Since she was born after Dominic, she will be x - 8 years old.
3. The sum of their ages is 56, so we can write the equation: Dominic's age + Sister's age = 56.
This can be written as: x + (x - 8) = 56.
4. Simplifying the equation: 2x - 8 = 56.
5. Adding 8 to both sides of the equation: 2x = 64.
6. Dividing both sides by 2: x = 32.

Therefore, Dominic's sister is currently 32 years old. As Dominic is 8 years older than her, he is currently 32 + 8 = 40 years old.

To find out Dominic's current age, we can use a simple algebraic approach. Let's assume Dominic's current age is "D" years.

We know that when his sister was born, Dominic was already 8 years old. So, the age difference between Dominic and his sister will always be 8.

If we add Dominic's age and his sister's age, we get their total age, which is 56.

So, the equation would be: D (Dominic's age) + (D - 8) (Sister's age) = 56.

Now, we can solve this equation:
D + (D - 8) = 56
2D - 8 = 56
2D = 56 + 8
2D = 64
D = 64/2
D = 32

Dominic is currently 32 years old.