Choose the correct quantity to fill in the blank:

Integral_______ dx = (ax2 - a2)4 + C.

to do this, we get the derivative of (ax^2 - a^2)^4 + c

assuming a is constant, the derivative is
4[(ax^2 - a^2)^3](2ax)

hope this helps~ :)

To determine the correct quantity to fill in the blank in the integral expression, let's start by looking at the given expression:

∫ _______ dx = (ax^2 - a^2)4 + C

We can apply the power rule of integration, which states that the integral of x^n is equal to (1/(n+1)) * x^(n+1), where n is any real number except -1.

In the given expression, the integral of the blank quantity will have to satisfy the power rule and result in (ax^2 - a^2)4 + C when integrated.

To find the correct quantity to fill in the blank, we'll apply the power rule and find the derivative of (ax^2 - a^2)4 + C with respect to x, which should yield the quantity in the blank:

First, let's apply the power rule to the expression (ax^2 - a^2)4:
Taking the derivative of (ax^2 - a^2)4 with respect to x, we get:
4(ax^2 - a^2)^3 * (2ax) = 8a(ax^2 - a^2)^3 * x.

Therefore, the correct quantity to fill in the blank is 8a(ax^2 - a^2)^3 * x.

Thus, the integral expression becomes:
∫ 8a(ax^2 - a^2)^3 * x dx = (ax^2 - a^2)4 + C.