Programming in Visual basic 2008 exercise 11.5 Create a project that store personal information for a little electronic “Black Book” the fields should include name, phone number, pager number, cell phone number, voice mail number and email address. Allow the user to enter the data into the text boxes.

Create a second project to load the names into a list box. Perform a look up and display the appropriate information for the selected name. note unless you include an open dialog copy the file created in the bin debug folder for the first folder into the bin\debug folder for the second folder

And your question is?

To complete this exercise in Visual Basic 2008, you'll need to create two separate projects.

Project 1 - "Black Book":
1. Open Visual Basic 2008 and create a new Windows Forms Application project.
2. Add a label and text boxes to the form for each field mentioned: Name, Phone Number, Pager Number, Cell Phone Number, Voice Mail Number, and Email Address.
3. Add a button to the form for saving the entered data.
4. Double-click on the button to open the code editor for the button's Click event.
5. In the button's Click event, write code to save the entered data into a file. To do this, you'll need to use file I/O functions like StreamWriter or My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText.
6. Build and run the project to test it. Enter some sample data and click the button to save the data into a file.

Project 2 - "Black Book Lookup":
1. Create a new Windows Forms Application project.
2. Add a list box to the form where the names will be displayed.
3. Add a button to the form for loading the names into the list box.
4. Add another list box or text boxes to display the selected person's details.
5. Double-click on the button to open the code editor for the button's Click event.
6. In the button's Click event, write code to read the saved file from Project 1 and load the names into the list box. To do this, you'll need to use file I/O functions like StreamReader or My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText.
7. Double-click on the list box to open the code editor for the list box's SelectedIndexChanged event.
8. In the SelectedIndexChanged event, write code to retrieve the selected person's details from the file, based on the selected name. Display these details in the other list box or text boxes.
9. Build and run the project to test it. Click the button to load the names into the list box, and select a name to display the associated details.

Note: To share the data file between the two projects, follow the instructions mentioned in the exercise. Once you have the file created in the "bin/debug" folder of the first project, you can manually copy it to the "bin/debug" folder of the second project.