Factor the expression 4x^2-20xy+25y^2

into a product of binomials


It can't get easier than this.

To factor the expression 4x^2 - 20xy + 25y^2, we need to look for a pattern that can help us write it as a product of binomials.

First, let's examine the expression and see if it fits the pattern of a perfect square trinomial. A perfect square trinomial is an expression of the form (a^2 + 2ab + b^2) or (a^2 - 2ab + b^2).

In our case, the expression 4x^2 - 20xy + 25y^2 doesn't fit the pattern of a perfect square trinomial.

Next, let's try factoring the expression by grouping. We'll group the terms in pairs and look for common factors.

Grouping the terms in pairs, we have:

(4x^2 - 20xy) + (25y^2)

Taking out the greatest common factor from each pair, we get:

4x(x - 5y) + 25y^2

Now, notice that we have a common factor of (x - 5y) in both terms. We can factor it out to obtain the final factored form:

(x - 5y)(4x + 25y)

Therefore, the expression 4x^2 - 20xy + 25y^2 can be factored as (x - 5y)(4x + 25y).