Why is it significant that Bernard is married with two children?

His statistical avarageness


Doesn't it provide a foil to Biff?

yep! bobpursley you are right!

The fact that Bernard is married with two children is significant because it highlights his statistical averageness. To understand this, we need to consider the concept of statistical averages.

A statistical average is a measure of central tendency that represents the typical or average value in a dataset. In this context, being married with two children is considered statistically average because it is a common life situation for many individuals.

By emphasizing Bernard's averageness, it provides a point of contrast or foil to another character, Biff. Biff is often portrayed as a nonconformist or someone who deviates from societal norms. In contrast, Bernard's conventional family life showcases a more typical and traditional lifestyle.

This contrast can help deepen the characterization and build tension within the narrative by highlighting the differences between Bernard and Biff. It can also serve to highlight the themes of conformity versus individuality or the consequences of societal expectations.